Work Safety

The task of ASIL TUR, which adopts the principle of " We carry responsibility first" to comply with the legislation related to work safety and health, administrative regulations and the rules of the member institutions, and to educate its personnel on this issue.

We commit;

  • The whole of the planned and taken measures to eliminate or reduce the risks related to occupational health and safety at all stages of the operation being carried out,
  • Determination of the hazards that may or may not occur in the workplace and in the field, the factors that cause these risks to become risky, the analysis and classification of the risks arising from the hazards and the control measures to be carried out,
  • For the working environment, employees and passengers; to provide health and safety, to maintain and develop the business health and safety risk assessment to be done,
  • It will be welcomed by ASIL TOUR to provide all kinds of information and documents that they need about the risk assessment for the persons or persons assigned in the risk assessment works.