According to the protocol signed between the General Directorate of Highways and General Directorate of Security, the average speed limit application is being implemented in some highways.
The distance between the inlet and outlet of HGS / OGS according to the application to be started simultaneously in Ankara - Istanbul, Istanbul - Edirne, Izmir - Aydin, Niğde - Şanlıurfa, Adana - Mersin and Adana - Şanlıurfa highways as from 1 July 2017, the average speed will be calculated by dividing the time, and the penalty will be applied to the vehicles that violate the speed limits.
The speed limit on the motorways is 120 km / h. Speed penalty in the honorable regulation; If the speed limit is between 10% and 30%, it is applied as 206 TL and if it exceeds 30%, it is applied as 427 TL.
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